Buzzies: Drug-free stress reduction in Tucson, AZ

Modern life is full of stressors - busy schedules, family challenges, deadlines, finances, health concerns, and more. Dr. Jeanne Anne Krizman DMD MPH understands that many of her patients in the
Tucson, AZ area are looking for effective, drug-free calming solutions. She suggests
Buzzies, the anxiety and stress relief bracelet from TouchPoints.
Science-based dental anxiety wearable
Many people avoid professional dental care because they are simply afraid to go to the dentist. Dental phobia is a very real condition, and Dr. Krizman approaches it with compassion, recommending Buzzies for dental anxiety.
Buzzies are non-invasive and medication-free. The device is about the size of a watch face. You wear one on each side of the body, on a wrist strap or discreetly clipped to your bra or undershirt. Manual and app-controlled options are available.
The device relieves tension by more than 70 percent in a minute or less. Invented by a neuropsychologist, the Buzzies secret is gentle haptic (related to the sense of touch) micro-vibrations. This physical distraction interrupts your body’s natural stress response - freeze, fight, or flight with BLAST technology (Bi-Lateral Alternative Stimulation Tactile). Just initiate a stimulation cycle to melt away dental anxiety. Vibrations are ten percent
quieter than the buzz of a cell phone, so you can use TouchPoints in virtually any setting.
Who can benefit from Buzzies?
The Buzzies watch is safe for all ages. In addition to calming dental anxiety, here are some of the situations where it can be beneficial,
worn as little as five minutes a day:
- Parkinson’s disease.
- Autism.
- To quell angry outbursts.
- To fall asleep faster and for improved sleep quality. The device reduces beta brainwave activity.
- For enhanced mental or athletic performance.
- To refresh nervous system functioning, for mental clarity and focus.
- To control cravings.
- Help anyone cope with buzzing in head anxiety associated with every day aggravations - traffic jams, work conflicts, long checkout lines
Enter “Buzzies for dental anxiety reviews” into your internet browser to see what real people have to say about this innovative body vibration system. Then call Tucson Biological Dentistry at 520-326-0082 to learn more.